Every story I heard growing up began with, "Did I ever tell you about the time..."
For me, candles are more than just wax and wick; they are vessels of inspiration that allow me to share the stories that have been passed down through generations. As I light a candle and watch its flickering flame, I am transported by the voices of those people who came before me, and I carry on their tales.
The Legacy of Storytelling
I come from a long line of storytellers. My grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles all had a knack for weaving tales that captivated my young mind. Sitting by the fireplace, or under the starry night sky, they would regale me with stories of adventures, mysteries, mischief, and ghosts. These stories were not just a form of entertainment; they were a way to connect with our heritage, our history, and our shared humanity. They made me feel like a part of their experiences, even if those experiences were worlds and decades apart from my own.
Ghost Stories and the Cozy Aesthetic
One of my greatest sources of inspiration for candle-making and storytelling is ghost stories. There is something inherently captivating about the supernatural, the unexplained, and the mysterious. One of my first questions to a new acquaintance is often, "what's your favorite ghost story?" The dim, flickering light of a candle enhances the eerie atmosphere, making these stories even more engrossing.
But it's not just ghost stories that inspire me. I am drawn to all things cozy. The warmth of a cozy blanket, the aroma of freshly baked goods, and the soft glow of a candle create an ambiance that wraps you in comfort. These elements bring solace and a sense of belonging. They remind us of the importance of slowing down and appreciating life's simple pleasures.
What is more cozy than hearing a ghost story by a fire wrapped up in a blanket? I cannot think of many things...
Feeling Connected
The essence of my candle inspiration is about feeling connected – to the past, to the present, and to the world at large. When I light a candle, I feel connected to the generations that came before me, passing down their stories, traditions, and wisdom. I also feel connected to the present, where I can create new stories and share them with those around me.
Candle inspiration for me is a beautiful fusion of my family's storytelling legacy, a love for stories, a yearning for all things cozy, and a deep desire to feel connected to the world and the people in it. As I craft candles and share stories, I hope to evoke those same feelings in others. Candles are more than just objects; they are vessels for the warmth of human connection and the illumination of our shared stories. So, next time you light a candle, take a moment to reflect on the inspiration it brings to your life and the tales it has yet to tell.